Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's been one day short of an entire month since my last blog post. If it wasn't for Sophia and her continuation to contribute, this could've been considered a hiatus. But alas, here I am -- fresh from a 2.5 week trip to Vietnam and Thailand, and bombarded & overwhelmed with ALL the fashion week fashion shows I opted to not look at while on vacay. (plus, muchmuchmuch to catch up on at locale)
Slowly, but surely  I will eventually get through all the amazing things to look forward to next spring. So far, so amazed. Loving Hannah Macgibbon's tiny ballerinas that tiptoed down the ChloĆ© show -- an up-rise in extreme flats do I see?

Oh blogworld, how I've missed you.

p.s. i'll be posting some photos from my trip as soon as i have the energy to flip through the 2000+ pictures i took.
