So it's days, maybe even hours before the big event, ‘your fairy tale wedding’ of course & what’s this? you're feeling nervous, sick & maybe a little anxious... damn those pre wedding jitters. We all get them, and for some it can be overwhelming, but with a few simple tactics to combat them you need not let it upset your preparation or enjoyment. Believe it or not, most of us actually don’t breathe properly which in turn can make us feel weak and out of breath so here is a great breathing technique that I like to remind brides to use to help over come their anxiety so they can relax and enjoy every second of their special day.
First of all it is very important to make sure you are breathing correctly. This will help centre you & relax you releasing all that tension & also releasing toxins deep breathing also boosts energy levels and builds stamina, so what are we waiting for.....
take a deep RELAXING breath in through your nose gently expanding your stomach to the count of 5
Step 2: Hold the breath for a count of 10 & visualize beautiful white light cleansing your body & filling you with energy.