Alan Sailer is an American photographer who prepared these sort of gunshot his area of expertise. Shooting a variety of things with an air rifle, he has set up a arrangement that let him take pictures of at the accurate moment the bullet pierces the entity. Alan sailer has 475 high-speed pictures of the whole thing from knick-knacks, to rubber bands, to well just concerning the whole lot else creature shot.
See More: High Speed Photography By Alan Sailer
See More: High Speed Photography By Alan Sailer
Playdoh Bulls Eye 2 |
PlayDoh Moment |
PlayDoh Spectrum |
PlayDoh Swirl |
Plexi Disk |
Poached Egg and Green Frog |
Popsicle Parade |
Puke Pop |
Pwned |
Rubber Waves |
Salty Apple |
Sand King |
Sand Paint Explosion |
Smash Watch |
Smile Though Your Heart is Breaking |
Snuffed |
Puzzle Solved |
Strawberry |
String Cheese Please |
Sun-berry or Straw flower |
Swan Song |
Take That Wilson |
Tangerine Dive |
The Candy Man Can |
Tin Hat Club |
Tofu Delight |
Tomato Dive |
Tomato Explosion |
Too Many Skulls is not Enough |
Toothpick Doom |
Tower Meets Rubber |
Water Balloon Loop |
What Me Worry |
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out |
Tower of Marble |
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