The Basic Tailored Suit
"The coat is cut with a panel effect front and back and with the seam-line joining accentuated by stitching. Such a plan makes the coat perfectly becoming to the full figure; but by the use of a flared effect below the waistline, when such is in vogue, it may be made suitable for the sender type also. The mannish notched collar and the close fitting sleeves are appropriate details."
The Boyish Tailleur
"A youthful style, varying little in outward appearance from its severely tailored sister, is the boyish tailleur or tailored suit...The coat does not lap but is held together by link buttons. The mannish notched collar has a certain appeal, while bound pockets add a trimming note quite in keeping with the general effect. The outfit is completed by a two-piece skirt of becoming length and width."
The Three Piece Suit
"...a suit consisting of a dress having the blouse portion of silk and the skirt of cloth, and a coat of the same fabric as the skirt. The coat is unusual in cut, and so constructed that the seam lines are made a decoration further emphasized by the unusual pockets and trimmings. The wide sleeves and slightly surplice lines of the coat are other interesting details."
The Suit Dress
"In these days of one-piece dresses and a desire for unbroken length of line, many business women prefer to wear the coat of a suit throughout the entire day, feeling that their appearance in a separate skirt and blouse is not so attractive as they would wish. Such a plan is throughly satisfactory, because there is a certain trimness about a tailored suit that cannot be expressed by any other garment."